Our Vision
When I began this work in 2015; at 67 years old. I had a vision that is the result of my journey in life and my belief that the Bible gives us everything we need if only we will read it, reflect on it, learn from it, share it with others, and listen when it speaks to us.
Raised in Albany, NY, I began to work with Junior High School youth as an evening religious teacher in 1977. I learned quickly that life is a very different experience for each person as I helped some teens deal with the common issues of being a teen; while helping other teens deal with issues that no human being should ever face. I’ve been a mentor, tutor, Boy Scout leader, and more.
While studying for the ministry I was privileged to serve on the team for the Albany Billy Graham Crusade and one evening I was invited to sit with Billy on the platform of the Pepsi Arena during the Billy Graham Crusade. It was a very inspiring experience; and Billy has been an inspiration to me as an example of integrity, honesty and ethics.
I was credentialed as an ordained minister in 1998 and I am associated with the International Association of Christian Assemblies (IFCA).
I have become passionate about helping youth develop into Christian adults with integrity, honesty and ethics. I want to influence the future of our nation and the world by training our youth to be solid citizens and leaders. Our country desperately needs this—as does the world.
Why is this needed? In my time as a minister, pastor and teacher I have witnessed a terrible degeneration in morals, ethics, respect, honor and honesty from the Executive Branch of Government to local Law Enforcement. Our educators and even many of today’s parents teach our children by their words and actions that “anything goes.” The rights of our citizens, provided to us under the First Amendment to the Constitution (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”), have to be twisted and used to abuse its citizens by our very own leaders.
Thirty years ago, I had a dream. I saw myself on a platform preaching to a crowd of about 200 people—but not in a church. It as a partially built building, much longer than wide, and it didn’t look like a church at all. About a year later, during a very difficult time in my life, I was asking God to take me out of my struggles. That night I had another dream. This time I was on a small boat—I was one of about 20 passengers. Everyone was happy and we were sailing toward something like the sun. The captain turned to me and directed me to look back, and I saw thousands of people on the shore. The captain then said to me, “If you go they will never hear the Good News.” It was then that I realized Jesus was speaking to me.
That dream has shaped my life. I specifically started to work with young people in a variety of ways. In another dream the design of a facility came to me: a building in the shape of a cross where young people would gather and experience the Good News and learn how to become the best Christian adult possible. I saw a number of these facilities being built across the country and becoming centers of youth development.
Now I work hard every day to transform the dreams given to me into a reality that will become an agent of change in our youth and our nation. I ask for your help and support with your prayers. Together we can make it happen.
“We need to have business leaders who live by deep, strong principles” ~ Stephen Covey