Other Ministries

Neos Oinos Ministries

Preaching / Teaching / Spiritual Guidance

Delivering God’s Word through preaching and teaching is keynote in guiding individuals to a stronger healthier life.  God’s Word contains all the answers that all of us need.  There are no struggles in life that aren’t answered through God’s Word.

Marriage / Marriage Counseling / Wedding Officiant

Marriage, ordained by God, by the joining of a man and a woman.   Marriage completes individuals.  Marriage is more than the 50/50 relationship, but a 100/100.  When two are joined together in marriage they become one.  Life struggles and challenges often causes damages in this relationship, making counseling necessary.

Other Ministries

Baby Dedication

Children are a gift from God.  Dedicating children to God, appeals to God to guide, direct our children to the proper paths in life, plus it invokes parents to raise their children according to God’s direction.

Funeral Officiant / Grief Counseling / End of Life Counseling

There are many things in life we can fix, work around and even escape, but death is not one.  Death, end of life, comes to us all, it’s how we deal with it that matters.  I believe in celebrating a person’s life, focusing on who they were and not hurt, pain or disease that they felt in the end.  I help families focus on the positive and rejoice with the fact of having them in their life.

A funeral is about the deceased but it is for the family and friends to say their goodbyes.  It is a time of sorrow but it is also a time of remembrance.  A time to feel loss and a time to be happy for a life shared.


Over the last few years, I have participated in serious training through Barritus Defense Training and USCCA on security for Houses of Worship.  I provide a foundational awareness and action needed to begin a House of Worship security team.  Of late I’ve been training Houses of Worship in creating Emergency Response Teams (ERT).

Associations / Affiliations

I am ordained through the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies (IFCA), abiding by its constitution and bylaws.

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